Let me start by saying that I am a normal person.
My siblings and my husband might disagree with that statement, but the sentiment is irrevocably true.
I put my pants on one leg at a time, brush my teeth twice a day, hate riding in the rain, eat raw batter (cookie dough, muffins, pancake mix – I don’t discriminate), have cravings for semi-sweet baking chocolate chips in the pantry, and I indulge in those cravings more often than I care to admit. I suffer from depression, have mental breakdowns regularly, I’m insecure about my body, and I care way too much about my Instagram account and number of post likes. I love dad jokes and bad puns, and I would conservatively estimate that my eyes are closed in at least 75% of the photos taken of me. See? Totally normal.
I’d like to think that what makes my life seem not-so-normal is the intensity and fervor with which I set and pursue my dreams. But, more on that later.
For now, just keep in mind that I am a normal person who is chasing my dreams. By sharing a bit about my background, you’ll see there’s no miracle or magic behind the curtain. My greatest hope is for others to be inspired and recognize that great things are very achievable, possible, and—dare I say—realistic.
I am starting a series of blog posts that answer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about my cycling career that I’ve heard from family, friends, and followers. You might be thinking “Why don’t you just put a FAQ section on your website for easy navigation?” That would be too easy for the overachiever, over-thinker that I am. Plus, it turns out that I enjoy writing blogs posts, so you’re stuck having to read my prose with anticipation in order to find the answers you seek…
….with that being said, the first official FAQ blog post will be published by the end of this week. Stay tuned!
While you wait for answers to your questions, please enjoy this far-too-common photo of me in all my snack-eating, blinking glory.